ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 58-79,

Use of augmented reality technology to enhance comprehension of construction assemblies

submitted:May 2018
revised:December 2018
published:February 2019
editor(s):Ruikar K.
authors:Fopefoluwa Bademosi
Rinker School of Construction Management, University of Florida

Nathan Blinn
Rinker School of Construction Management, University of Florida

Raja R. A. Issa
Rinker School of Construction Management, University of Florida
summary:The construction industry faces the incessant challenge of adjusting to a continuous fluctuation of employees. Consequently, the industry is faced with a loss of expertise and practical knowledge required to successfully deliver construction projects, especially with older and more experienced employees retiring at a rate faster than the incoming workforce can replace them. The future of the industry is dependent on the competence of this next generation of employees joining the construction workforce. Therefore, it is highly desired that new employees be equipped with the necessary skills and abilities required to manage the complexities inherent in construction processes successfully. The lack of practical exposure to on-site construction situations during a new employee’s college education results in a limited spatial and temporal understanding of complex construction processes, which adversely influences these new employees’ abilities to solve problems, therefore limiting their initial productivity. This study simulates the environmental context and spatio-temporal constraints of several construction assemblies by using Augmented Reality (AR) technology combined with a layer of simulated visualizations. The superimposition of BIM-based model elements and images on real-time site videos functions as a novel pedagogical technique which virtually incorporates jobsite experiences into the classroom. The jobsite becomes an interactive experience subjected to digital manipulation which reinforces and highlights key technique and constructability based concepts. Testing revealed that construction management students exposed to AR-enabled content were better able to identify the elements and tasks related to masonry, roof, and steel construction when compared to those students who received typical in-class instruction. The results further indicate that ART combined with typical classroom instruction provides educators with an advantage as they strive to prepare their students for successful careers in construction.
keywords:augmented reality, construction management, construction industry, construction management education, construction assemblies, masonry, roofing, structural steel, spatio-temporal constraints
full text: (PDF file, 0.95 MB)
citation:Bademosi F, Blinn N, Issa R R A (2019). Use of augmented reality technology to enhance comprehension of construction assemblies, ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 58-79,