ITcon papers tagged with: decision-making

2018 Bonci A, Clini P, Martin R, Pirani M, Quattrini R, Raikov A
Collaborative intelligence cyber-physical system for the valorization and re-use of cultural heritage
ITcon Vol. 23, pg. 305-323,
2015 Behzadan A H, Menassa C C, Predhan A R
Enabling real time simulation of architecture, engineering, construction, and facility management (AEC/FM) systems: a review of formalism, model architecture, and data representation.
ITcon Vol. 20, pg. 1-23,
2011 Abanda F H, Tah J H M, Pettang C, Manjia M B
An ontology-driven building construction labour cost estimation in cameroon
ITcon Vol. 16, pg. 617-634,
2006 Vanier D J
Decision support systems in infrastructure management - editorial
ITcon Vol. 11, pg. 175-176,
2002 Whelton M, Ballard G, Tommelein I D
A knowledge management framework for project definition
ITcon Vol. 7, pg. 197-212,