ITcon papers tagged with: construction planning

2025 Oyediran H, Turner W, Kim K, Barrows M
Integration of 4D BIM and Robot Task Planning: Creation and Flow of Construction-Related Information for Action-Level Simulation of Indoor Wall Frame Installation
ITcon Vol. 30, pg. 352-374,
2018 Su X, Cai H
A graphical planning method for workspace-aware, four-dimensional modeling to assist effective construction planning
ITcon Vol. 23, pg. 340-353,
2016 Gledson BJ, Greenwood DJ
Surveying the extent and use of 4D BIM in the UK
ITcon Vol. 21, pg. 57-71,
2006 Woksepp S and Olofsson T
Using virtual reality in a large-scale industry project
ITcon Vol. 11, pg. 627-640,
2001 Aspin R, DaDalto L, Fernando T, Gobbetti E, Marache M, Shelbourn M and Soubra S
A conceptual framework for multi-modal interactive virtual workspace
ITcon Vol. 6, pg. 149-162,