ITcon Vol. 23, pg. 340-353,

A graphical planning method for workspace-aware, four-dimensional modeling to assist effective construction planning

submitted:January 2016
revised:December 2017
published:November 2018
editor(s):Ruikar K.
authors:Xing Su, Assistant Professor,
Department of Construction, School of Engineering, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville.

Hubo Cai, Associate Professor,
Division of Construction Engineering & Management, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University.
summary:The emerging four-dimensional (4D) modeling techniques have proven benefits to effective construction planning. Still, limitations exist in the lack of an effective approach to support initial construction planning and incorporate workspace modeling in the 4D model development process. This paper presents a graphical planning method (GPM) with workspace representation to overcome the aforementioned limitations. The newly created GPM synergizes the 4D modeling process and the conventional critical path method (CPM) scheduling process with built-in workspace modeling and representation capabilities. The 4D model development process and resulting 4D models are workspace-aware; i.e., construction activities are associated with workspace requirements, and such requirements are explicitly addressed during the modeling process. GPM directly supports the initial planning rather than being just a post-plan review tool. It also forms the base for 4D analytics. By incorporating workspace requirements into the 4D modeling process, GPM is expected to enhance the effectiveness of proactive construction planning.
keywords:construction planning, 4D modeling, workspace modeling, graphical planning method
full text: (PDF file, 1.199 MB)
citation:Su X, Cai H (2018). A graphical planning method for workspace-aware, four-dimensional modeling to assist effective construction planning, ITcon Vol. 23, pg. 340-353,