ITcon Special Issue

9th AiC BIM Academic Symposium & Job Task Analysis Review Conference

editor(s) R. Raymond Issa, Ph.D., J.D., P.E., F. ASCE, API
Professor, Rinker School of Construction Management, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

The present special issue of the Journal of Information Technology in Construction is comprised of a selection of papers initially presented at the 9th AiC BIM Academic Symposium & Job Task Analysis Review held 7-8 April 2015 and hosted at the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) headquarters in Washington, DC. The Academic interoperability Coalition (AiC) BIM Academic Symposium series ( is an event held in April of each year and has provided a productive platform for the presentation and discussion of the most recent advances with regard to the teaching of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in institutions of higher learning. The present selection of – substantially revised and extended – papers from the AiC symposium includes outstanding contributions covering BIM in Education topics related to:

  • Learning Outcomes Assessments
  • Pedagogical Models
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches
  • Research Opportunities
  • Accreditation Issues
  • Curriculum Integration
  • Sample Courses & Sample Lessons
  • Student Projects

As the editor of this special issue, I would like to acknowledge the strong and active community of academics, researchers, and industry experts in view of their excellent contributions to the field, as selectively manifested in the present collection of the papers. I specially thank Dana K. “Deke” Smith, FAIA for his contribution to the success of the AiC Symposia.

Papers in this special issue

no. citation
1Adamu Z A, Thorpe T (2016).
How universities are teaching BIM: a review and case study from the UK,
ITcon Vol. 21, Special issue 9th AiC BIM Academic Symposium & Job Task Analysis Review Conference, pg. 119-139,
2Ali K N, Mustaffa N E, Keat Q J, Enegbuma W I (2016).
Building information modelling (BIM) educational framework for quantity surveying students: The Malaysian perspective,
ITcon Vol. 21, Special issue 9th AiC BIM Academic Symposium & Job Task Analysis Review Conference, pg. 140-151,
3Bozoglu J (2016).
Collaboration and coordination learning modules for BIM education,
ITcon Vol. 21, Special issue 9th AiC BIM Academic Symposium & Job Task Analysis Review Conference, pg. 152-163,
4Leite F (2016).
Project-based learning in a building information modeling for construction management course,
ITcon Vol. 21, Special issue 9th AiC BIM Academic Symposium & Job Task Analysis Review Conference, pg. 164-176,
5McCuen T, Pober E (2016).
Process and structure: performance impacts on collaborative interdisciplinary team experiences,
ITcon Vol. 21, Special issue 9th AiC BIM Academic Symposium & Job Task Analysis Review Conference, pg. 177-187,
6Palomera-Arias R, Liu R (2016).
BIM laboratory exercises for a MEP systems course in a construction science and management program,
ITcon Vol. 21, Special issue 9th AiC BIM Academic Symposium & Job Task Analysis Review Conference, pg. 188-203,
7Shanbari H A, Blinn N M, Issa R R (2016).
Laser scanning technology and BIM in construction management education,
ITcon Vol. 21, Special issue 9th AiC BIM Academic Symposium & Job Task Analysis Review Conference, pg. 204-217,
8Wu W, Luo Y (2016).
Pedagogy and assessment of student learning in BIM and sustainable design and construction,
ITcon Vol. 21, Special issue 9th AiC BIM Academic Symposium & Job Task Analysis Review Conference, pg. 218-232,