ITcon Special Issue

Bringing urban ontologies into practice

editor(s) Jacques Teller
Roland Billen
Anne-Francoise Cutting-Decelle
summary The main objective of the European COST C21 Action was to increase the knowledge and promote the use of ontologies in the domain of urban development, in the view of facilitating the communications between information systems, stakeholders and urban experts at a European level. This special issue of IT-CON consists in a selection of the best papers presented during the final conference of this COST Action. It provides an overview of the main themes addressed during this research and introduces different approaches for developing and maintaining urban ontologies.

Papers in this special issue

no. citation
1Teller J, Billen R, Cutting-Decelle A-F (2010).
Editorial - Bringing Urban Ontologies into Practice,
ITcon Vol. 15, Special issue Bringing urban ontologies into practice, pg. 108-110,
2Florczyk A J, López-Pellicer F J, Muro-Medrano P, Nogueras-Iso J, Zarazaga-Soria F J (2010).
Semantic selection of georeferencing services for urban management,
ITcon Vol. 15, Special issue Bringing urban ontologies into practice, pg. 111-121,
3Ban H, Ahlqvist O (2010).
User evaluation of a software interface for geovisualization and communication of uncertain urban ontologies,
ITcon Vol. 15, Special issue Bringing urban ontologies into practice, pg. 122-131,
4Guyot J, Falquet G, Teller J (2010).
Incremental development of a shared urban ontology: the Urbamet experience,
ITcon Vol. 15, Special issue Bringing urban ontologies into practice, pg. 132-139,
5Mounce S R, Brewster C, Ashley R M, Hurley L (2010).
Knowledge management for more sustainable water systems,
ITcon Vol. 15, Special issue Bringing urban ontologies into practice, pg. 140-148,
6Finat J, Delgado F J, Martìnez R, Hurtado A, Fernández J J, San José J I, Martìnez J (2010).
Constructors of geometric primitives in domain ontologies for urban environments,
ITcon Vol. 15, Special issue Bringing urban ontologies into practice, pg. 149-158,
7Kaza N, Finn D, Hopkins L D (2010).
Updating plans: a historiography of decisions over time,
ITcon Vol. 15, Special issue Bringing urban ontologies into practice, pg. 159-168,
8Métral C, Billen R, Cutting-Decelle A-F, van Ruymbeke M (2010).
Ontology-based approaches for improving the interoperability between 3D urban models,
ITcon Vol. 15, Special issue Bringing urban ontologies into practice, pg. 169-184,