ITcon Vol. 28, pg. 151-175,

Strategies for digital transformation in construction projects: stakeholders' perceptions and actor dynamics for Industry 4.0

submitted:September 2022
revised:February 2023
published:February 2023
editor(s):Bimal Kumar
authors:Tharun Dolla, Post-Doctoral Fellow (Corresponding Author)
Civil Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

Karuna Jain, Professor,
Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

Venkata Santosh Kumar Delhi, Associate Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
summary:This study explores and presents the roadmap of industry 4.0 for the Indian construction industry with particular reference to project management practices. Accordingly, this study explores stakeholder dynamics for adopting digital technologies in the construction sector, especially those affecting construction project management. The study adopted one focus group with five participating panellists that provided the qualitative data. This is followed by a questionnaire survey with wider practitioners from the public and private sectors to validate the findings and rank the hypothesis to enable the implementation. Based on a focus group, this study proposes thirteen hypotheses describing stakeholders' dynamics. Furthermore, based on the questionnaire survey validation, this study finds that the top four strategies are stakeholder integration, process re-engineering, training activities, and the need to generate federated data. We interpret the journey of industry 4.0 in the construction industry as having its effect from at least four perception frames: redundancy, accommodation, amplification, and introduction. Practitioners can make process changes in their organisations while delivering projects using industry 4.0 in the construction sector. The findings are contextual to the Indian construction industry. While there is a richness of data that emanated from experienced practitioners, future case studies could enhance the applicability of the findings. The article takes a visionary stand to enable practical aspects of adopting industry 4.0 in its full measure.
keywords:Project-based organisations, digital transformation, stakeholders' perceptions, actor dynamics, construction 4.0
full text: (PDF file, 0.662 MB)
citation:Dolla T, Jain K, Kumar Delhi V S (2023). Strategies for digital transformation in construction projects: stakeholders' perceptions and actor dynamics for Industry 4.0, ITcon Vol. 28, pg. 151-175,