ITcon Vol. 12, pg. 181-192,

Corporate portals as extranet support for the construction industry in Hong Kong and nearby regions of China

submitted:September 2005
revised:November 2006
published:March 2007
editor(s):Serpell A and Barai S V
authors:Edwin H. W. Chan
Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Cutson Liu
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, The City University of Hong Kong
summary:This paper presents the corporate portals for the construction industry with an aim of solving the collaboration problem in the construction industry in Hong Kong and nearby regions of China. Customized and personalized corporate information, search service, collaboration tools and web services are provided for achieving such an aim. Discussions are provided as to how corporate portals can be used as extranets to support the construction industry. A questionnaire survey with local construction professionals was conducted. From this research result, it is realized that the corporate portals will particularly fit to the needs in the construction industry. In addition, the requirements of the corporate portals are identified. The design and setup of the corporate portals for construction industry are proposed. We believe that the corporate portals are particularly effective and useful for the construction industry in Hong Kong and nearby regions of China.
keywords:corporate portal, extranet, construction industry collaboration, China.
full text: (PDF file, 0.314 MB)
citation:Chan E H V and Liu C (2007). Corporate portals as extranet support for the construction industry in Hong Kong and nearby regions of China, ITcon Vol. 12, Special issue Construction information technology in emerging economies, pg. 181-192,