ITcon Vol. 6, pg. 129-148,

Distributed engineering in construction: findings from the IMS GLOBEMEN project

submitted:October 2001
revised:November 2001
published:December 2001
editor(s):Rezgui Y and Zarli A
authors:Abdul S. Kazi, Research Scientist
Technical Research Centre of Finland

Matti Hannus, Chief Research Scientist
Technical Research Centre of Finland

Jarmo Laitinen, Development Manager
YIT Corporation, Finland

Olli Nummelin, Development Engineer
YIT Corporation, Finland
summary:Inter-enterprise collaboration to deliver a one-of-a-kind product is gaining momentum with the emergence of new information and communications technologies (ICT) to support information exchange and collaborative work amongst distinct geographically dispersed entities. Typically, the modus operandi of such collaborations is that of the virtual enterprise. While relatively new to some industries, this has been a common mode of operation for the construction industry for long. ICT support for the construction industry to support its ways and modes of operation has however been lacking. While organisation specific proprietary tools do exist, those supporting inter-enterprise collaboration are not up to a similar par. This paper presents the IMS GLOBEMEN (Global Engineering and Manufacturing in Enterprise Networks) and some of its core findings and developments related to reference architecture for virtual enterprises and primarily distributed engineering in construction. After an overall presentation of the GLOBEMEN project, and some basics of inter-enterprise collaboration, the paper presents the main elements of the Virtual Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology (VERAM) through identification of its main components and their constituents. This is followed by an exploration of distributed engineering. In this section the focus is on building construction where some very high level use cases are presented. The section is concluded with a presentation of an ICT architecture at both generic and specific levels for distributed engineering at large and product model based distributed engineering in construction in particular respectively.
keywords:inter-enterprise collaboration, virtual enterprise, distributed engineering, construction
full text: (PDF file, 0.617 MB)
citation:Kazi A S, Hannus M, Laitinen J and Nummelin O (2001). Distributed engineering in construction: findings from the IMS GLOBEMEN project, ITcon Vol. 6, Special issue Information and Communication Technology Advances in the European Construction Industry, pg. 129-148,