ITcon papers tagged with: virtual environment

2017 van den Berg M, Hartmann T, de Graaf, R
Supporting design reviews with pre-meeting virtual reality environments
ITcon Vol. 22, pg. 305-321,
2013 Kim MJ, Wang X, Love PED, Li H, Kang SC
Virtual reality for the built environment: a critical review of recent advances
ITcon Vol. 18, pg. 279-305,
2011 Isaacs J P, Gilmour D J, Blackwood D J, Falconer R E
Immersive and Non immersive 3D virtual cit:Decision support tool for urban sustainability
ITcon Vol. 16, pg. 151-162,
2008 Breland J, Fairuz S, Kitchens K
A study of user perceptions of the relationship between bump-mapped and non-bump-mapped materials, and lighting intensity in a real-time virtual environment.
ITcon Vol. 13, pg. 594-619,