ITcon papers authored by: Haymaker

2018 John Haymaker J, Bernal M, Tyrone Marshall T M, Okhoya V, Szilasi A, Rezaee R, Chen C, Salveson A, Brechtel J, Deckinga L, Hasan H, Ewing P, Welle B
Design space construction: a framework to support collaborative, parametric decision making
ITcon Vol. 23, pg. 157-178,
2013 Yee P, Fischer M, Haymaker J
Automated identification of occupant interactions in renovations of occupied buildings
ITcon Vol. 18, pg. 182-213,
2009 Flager F, Welle B, Bansal P, Soremekun G, Haymaker J
Multidisciplinary process integration and design optimization of a classroom building
ITcon Vol. 14, pg. 595-612,
2006 Haymaker J, Ayaz E, Fischer M, Kam C, Kunz J, Ramsey M, Suter B and Toledo M
Managing and communicating information on the Stanford Living Laboratory feasibility study
ITcon Vol. 11, pg. 607-626,
2004 Haymaker J, Fischer M, Kunz J and Suter B
Engineering test cases to motivate the formalization of an AEC project model as a directed acyclic graph of views and dependencies
ITcon Vol. 9, pg. 419-441,