ITcon papers authored by: Aziz

2024 Aziz T, Zubair M U, Hassan M U, Ahmed M, Khan M A, Tanoli W A
BIM-based framework for optimization of CCTV surveillance in buildings
ITcon Vol. 29, pg. 894-913,
2017 Tezel A, Aziz Z
From conventional to IT based visual management: a conceptual discussion for lean construction
ITcon Vol. 22, pg. 220-246,
2009 Peña-mora F, Vadhavkar S, Aziz Z
Technology strategies for globally dispersed construction teams
ITcon Vol. 14, pg. 70-80,
2009 Aziz Z, Anumba C, Peña-mora F
A road-map to personalized context-aware services delivery in construction
ITcon Vol. 14, pg. 461-472,
2004 Aziz Z, Anumba C, Ruikar D, Carrillo P and Bouchlaghem D
Semantic web based services for intelligent mobile construction collaboration
ITcon Vol. 9, pg. 367-379,