ITcon Vol. 22, pg. 266-286,

BIM-driven library for historic islamic structures

revised:June 2017
published:November 2017
editor(s):Ruikar K.
authors:Ayad Almaimani, PhD student,
University of Florida, College of Design, Construction & Planning, School of Architecture,
P.O. Box 115702, 1480 Inner Road, Gainesville, FL 32611-5702

Nawari O. Nawari, Associate Professor,
University of Florida, College of Design, Construction & Planning, School of Architecture,
P.O. Box 115702, 1480 Inner Road, Gainesville, FL 32611-5702
summary:The use of building information modeling (BIM) is an essential step for the integration of architectural, structural, and constructional information in any project. BIM tools assist designers to complete their projects in a cohesive, efficient and fluid manner. The digitally classified and assorted informatics data of the Islamic Structure Style Library (IAS) serves to assist designers through the design phases of a project by allowing appropriate three-dimensional elements to be configured and adapted in various forms. This paper centers on the method by which parametric three-dimensional models and structure informatics data of the Hejazi Islamic Architecture Character (HIAC) library are built. This information is initially derived from the Ottoman Islamic Architecture style library and is intended to support the design phases of historical or contemporary projects. The purpose is to combine the HIAC library and the process of BIM to build parametric BIM structural and architectural objects. These objects are further characterized by the inclusion of architectural and structural HIAC designs and illustrations in their completed forms. The HIAC BIM library provides designers a variety of architectural and structural components, accompanied with parametric models and data, to choose from via a software application, which is categorized based on style and chronology. The BIM library of Islamic historic structures endeavors to facilitate the use of the HIAC BIM structural elements to assure the optimum accuracy in design and data through the digital application library. The HIAC library is the first step towards creating a comprehensive BIM library for Islamic historical structures to assist in preserving and maintaining many Islamic facilities around the world.
keywords:Building Information Modeling (BIM), Hijazi Islamic Structures, BIM Historical Library, Ottoman style
full text: (PDF file, 2.241 MB)
citation:Almaimani A, Nawari ON (2017). BIM-driven library for historic islamic structures, ITcon Vol. 22, pg. 266-286,