ITcon Vol. 11, pg. 587-605,

Taxonomy of the visualization techniques of project related interactions

submitted:December 2005
revised:March 2006
published:July 2006
editor(s):Katranuschkov P
authors:Benoît Otjacques, Deputy Scientific Director
Public Research Center – Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg

Monique Noirhomme, Professor
University of Namur, Computer Science Institute, Belgium

Fernand Feltz, Scientific Director
Public Research Center – Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg
summary:All construction projects can be considered as cooperative undertakings. Their strategic management and daily operations causes numerous interactions to occur, either among persons or among persons and resources. These interactions have been studied from various viewpoints but few researchers have focused on their visualization. The graphical representation of the cooperation is however a powerful tool to help the project participants to get a correct understanding of the situation. This paper proposes a structuring framework (IVF - Interaction Visualization Framework) of the visualization techniques used to display such interactions. Three basic axes of classification are used to organize the study. Which objects are visualized? In which context of use are they visualized? How are they visualized? For each axis, several properties have been identified and the permitted values have been specified. The paper then explains three major applications of the IVF: the characterization, the comparison and the design of visualization techniques. This work can be considered as a first step towards a structured view of the ‘visualization of cooperation’ domain.
keywords:Cooperation, project management, information visualization, taxonomy.
full text: (PDF file, 0.289 MB)
citation:Otjacques B, Noirhomme M and Feltz F (2006). Taxonomy of the visualization techniques of project related interactions, ITcon Vol. 11, Special issue Process Modelling, Process Management and Collaboration, pg. 587-605,