ITcon Vol. 17, pg. 103-120,

Management problems of remote construction projects and potential IT solutions; The case of kingdom of Saudi Arabia

submitted:May, 2011
published:May, 2012
editor(s):Egbu C., Sidawi B.
authors:Bhzad Sidawi, Associate professor
College of Architecture and Planning, University of Dammam, 31451 Dammam, P O Box 2397, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
summary:Remote projects have their unique problems that are caused mainly by the remoteness of theproject itself thus the loose control over communications and management. This is due to a number of reasonssuch as lack of management skills, human resources and infrastructure. Little research was undertakenparticularly in the gulf region regarding this issue and it has highlighted few unique communications andmanagement problems. This paper investigates the current problems that the Saudi Electric Company (SEC),Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) experiences regarding the management of its’ remote construction sites. Itdiscusses the opinions of contractors and the SEC’s supervision teams regarding the weaknesses in the presentcommunications and management practices. The study found systematic project management problems that haveprofound negative impact on remote projects’ performance and process. The paper suggests that some of theseproblems can be sorted out by the use of Advanced Computer based Management Systems (ACMS) and thesewould improve some project management practices. However, organizational barriers may hinder thepotentiality of these systems thus changes to the organization’s management system and practices should becarried out to achieve full benefits.
keywords:Mobile systems, Web-based project management systems, remote manager, virtual management
full text: (PDF file, 0.724 MB)
citation:Sidawi B (2012). Management problems of remote construction projects and potential IT solutions; The case of kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ITcon Vol. 17, Special issue Management of remote construction sites and the role of IT Systems, pg. 103-120,