ITcon papers authored by: Kunz

2006 Haymaker J, Ayaz E, Fischer M, Kam C, Kunz J, Ramsey M, Suter B and Toledo M
Managing and communicating information on the Stanford Living Laboratory feasibility study
ITcon Vol. 11, pg. 607-626,
2004 Haymaker J, Fischer M, Kunz J and Suter B
Engineering test cases to motivate the formalization of an AEC project model as a directed acyclic graph of views and dependencies
ITcon Vol. 9, pg. 419-441,
1999 Froese, T, Fischer M, Grobler H, Ritzenthaler J, Yu K, Sutherland S, Staub S, Akinci B, Akbas R, Koo B, Barron A, Kunz J
Industry Foundation Classes for Project Management - A Trial Implementation
ITcon Vol. 4, pg. 17-36,